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Tower 2.2.2

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Free 2-day shipping. Buy Xtreme Performance Gear 238603 Xpg Cs Invader-whcww Mid-tower Mitx Matx Atx 2x3.5 2+2 2.5 Retail at Version 2.2.2. Corrected an issue where unicode credential passwords caused migrations to fail; Corrected a performance issue when Tower redacts sensitive data from job output; Version 2.2.1. Fixed performance issues when job stdout was very large; Corrected an issue where stdout display in Tower would fail on some unicode output. 2 Smart-UPS X 2000/2200/3000 VA XL Tower/Rack-Mount 4U Inventory Inspect the contents upon receipt. Notify the carrier and dealer if the unit is damaged. Included with all models 1 pair rail cleats 8 pan head screws 1 pair tower stabilizer brackets Use 8 flat head screws to secure tower stabilizer brackets to the UPS 1 pair rack-mount brackets.

The Tower setup process consists of two parts–an installation wizard that determines your Tower configuration and a setup playbook that uses that information to install Tower.

The Tower Installation Wizard and the Tower setup playbook do not need to be run from the system that will run Tower, although they can. The Tower Installation Wizard asks for credentials needed to access external systems where necessary.

The Tower Installation Wizard is invoked as configure from the path where you unpacked the Tower installation tarball. It writes a file called tower_setup_conf.yml which contains the configuration for Tower.11.1. Installation Arguments¶

The wizard takes the following arguments:


-h, --help Displays a brief usage summary.


-l, --local Assumes that you are installing Tower on thelocal machine where you are running configure. This implies aninternal embedded PostgreSQL database as well. This option skips somequestions in the wizard.


--no-secondary-prompt Assumes you are not installing in ahigh-availability setup. This option skips some questions in thewizard.


-A, --no-autogenerate Do not autogenerate random passwordsfor PostgreSQL or Redis–prompt the user for them instead.


-oFILE, --options-file=FILE Use the file FILE Clip studio paint symmetrical ruler free. as a source of answers. This can be the tower_setup_conf.yml file from a previous run of the wizard. Depending on the contents of the file, this option skips some questions in the wizard. The contents of the tower_setup_conf.yml file may look similar to the following:

Once you invoke the Tower Installation Wizard, you are about the configuration of a few different items.11.2. Primary Tower machine configuration¶

First, the Tower wizard asks about where you intend to place the primary (or only) Tower instance.

If you are installing on the current machine, enter localhost or127.0.0.1 for the current machine. If you are installing on adifferent machine, enter the IP address or hostname of the machine. Thismachine must be running and accessible via SSH when running the setupplaybook later.11.2.1. Configuring the Database¶

Tower can be setup as an internal database installed on the primary Tower machine or as an external PostgreSQL database.

Enter i for an internal database on the same machine as Tower, or e for an external database. To run Tower in a high-availability configuration, you must use an external database.

If you choose to use an external database, the wizard prompts you for the following additional database parameters:

*Database host to connect to

*Database name

*PostgreSQL user to use to access the database

*Password for the above PostgreSQL user

*Port to connect to the PostgreSQL database on (hit enter for thedefault PostgreSQL port)Tower 22 Jordan

The wizard will attempt to verify these parameters if your system hasthe PostgreSQL client libraries installed.11.3. Secondary Installation (if applicable)¶

At this time, if you chose to setup an external database, you can configureany neccessary secondary Tower instances.

Enter y to configure additional secondary Tower instances.

Enter the hostnames or IP addresses of machines you want to configure assecondary Tower instances, one at a time. Enter a blank line to end thelist. These machines must be running and accessible via SSH when runningthe setup playbook later.11.4. Passwords¶

You are then prompted for the passwords you need for various Towerservices.

The installation wizard prompts you to provide an Admin Password. This ‘admin’ password is used for the first user (and superuser) created upon installation. You must have this password for your initial login to Tower.

If you passed the -A or --no-autogenerate parameters to the Installation Wizard, you are prompted for a PostgreSQL password and a Redis password. These are used internally to Tower and are not needed by the admin at runtime. These additional passwords are normally auto-generated as a random value.11.4.1. Password Strength Configuration¶

This feature allows you to define minimum strengths for passwords. Password strength configuration for Tower specifies policies and security mechanisms for providing rules to specify user passwords.

To make use of this feature, set your preferred password strength configuration options in the local_config.js file.

*Copy config.js in its entirety to the file local_config.js.

*Set the password_* variables to true/false based on the rules you want to enforce.

The password strength configuration feature allows you to create passwords of any combination of upper and lowercase characters, numbers, and special characters that include “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”,“^”, “&”, “*”, “(“, and “)”.

You can also set the password’s minimum (1) and maximum (64) length. The recommended minimum password length is eight (8) characters.11.5. Connection Information¶

If you chose to install on machines other than the current machine you are running the installation wizard on, you must also enter details on how to connect to those machines.

First, you are prompted for the user to SSH to the remote hosts with. Ifthis user is not root, you are prompted for how you will escalateprivileges.

Choose either 1 or 2 to configure sudo or su access. If youenter that you need a password for sudo or su access, this will beprompted for during the setup playbook run.

You are then prompted for SSH key information. If you are using a SSHkey to access this host, you are prompted for the path to the SSHprivate key to use.

The same connection and su/sudo information will be used for allmachines that are configured by the setup playbook, whether primary orsecondary nodes. If you need different connection information fordifferent machines, this can be configured by manually modifying theinventory file generated by the Installation Wizard.11.6. Review and Confirm¶

You are then asked to review the settings you entered. An example wouldbe:

Select y, and you will then be given some information on running thesetup playbook.11.7. Reviewing the Tower Configuration¶Installation Guide Smart-UPS X 2000/2200/3000 VA Tower/Rack ..

The Tower configuration is written into two files by the TowerInstallation Wizard.

*tower_setup_conf.yml This Tower configuration file containsneeded Tower passwords, database connection information, and machineconnection information.

*inventory This includes the machines that the setup playbook willoperate on, grouped into the primary and secondary groups ofnodes.11.8. The Setup Playbook¶

The Tower setup playbook is invoked as from the path whereyou unpacked the Tower installer tarball. It uses thetower_setup_conf.yml and inventory files written by the TowerInstallation Wizard. The setup script takes the following arguments:

*-h, --help Displays a brief usage summary.

*-cFILE Use the specified FILE as the Tower configuration file rather than tower_setup_conf.yml in the current directory.

*-iFILE Use the specified FILE as the inventory for the setup playbook rather than inventory in the current directory.

*-p Set ansible to prompt for a SSH password when connecting to remote machines

*-s Set ansible to prompt for a sudo password on remote machines when installing Tower.

*-u Set ansible to prompt for a su password on remote machines when installing Tower.

*-e Set additional ansible variables for the playbook to use either in key=value or YAML/JSON form. This should not be needed in normal operation.

*-b Perform a database backup in lieu of installing.

*-rBACKUP_FILE Perform a database restore in lieu of installing.

Depending on the configuration you entered when running the TowerInstallation Wizard, it may have prompted you to run the setup playbookwith some combination of -p, -s, or -u.

After calling with the appropriate parameters, Tower is installed on the appropriate machines as has been configured.





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